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  4. 5+1AA  Alfonso Femia Gianluca Peluffo

5+1AA  Alfonso Femia Gianluca Peluffo


Alfonso Femia (1966) and Gianluca Peluffo (1966) founded studio 5+1 in Genoa in 1995: between 1998 and 2005 they completed the Visit Centre and Antiquarium of Aquileia Forum (UD), the University Campus in Bligny former barracks, Savone, the Ministry of the Interior Head offices in former Ferdinando di Savoia barracks, Rome.

In 2005 they set up 5+1AA Architecture Agency and they won the international competition for the New Cinema Palace in Venice (under construction), with Rudy Ricciotti.

In 2006, Simonetta Cenci became a partner at 5+1AA and they opened an Atelier in Milan, to deal with the research on contemporary cities.

In 2007, in collaboration with Nicola Spinetto, they founded 5+1AA sarl in France and they were entrusted with the development of the Master Plan Milano Expo 2015.

In 2008 they won, with PietriArchitectes and Italiana Costruzioni spa, the international competition for the new directional buildings of Sviluppo Sistema Fiera in Milan (under construction) and they were entrusted with the urban development of the Parisian area Masséna Bruneseau, with Moatti&Riviere.

In 2009 they published the book “What’s in the Fridge”(AAM/SilvanaEditoriale/Ante Prima editions) about the requalification of Milanese Ice Factory and Ice Palace. Their work was presented in the first number of “Monograph.it” magazine (List editions). They won the competitions for the requalifications of Marseille Docks, of the Great Railways workshops in Turin (with Studio Pession), of Orsini castle in Rivalta di Torino.

They have been short listed for major international limited competitions. In France they are currently invited in public and private projects, such as: the Cultural and Music centre of Ris-Orangis (Paris); the school complex in boulevard Macdonald, Paris.

They give lectures on their work and they take part in workshops dealing with “contemporary cities” in the main european capitals and universities.

Alfonso Femia is a Professor at KSU in Florence and Contract Professor of Architectural Design at Ferrara University.

Gianluca Peluffo is a Researcher in the Faculty of Architecture in Genoa.

Simonetta Cenci collaborates with Architectural and Urban Design Didactics teaching at the Faculty of Architecture of Genoa.


ArtĂ­culos: 5+1AA (Alfonso Femia Gianluca Peluffo Architectures)



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